Excitement begets a "Go See". Model work or a “Go See” is an interview or model audition for creative jobs worldwide. Child actors are an excellent time to begin in show business. Professional acting can start as a two-year-old toddler with agency represented and parental involvement. Creative jobs and actors at work are available for all ages: ingénue, fashion and photography, public relations.
Model work took me worldwide: Japan, South America, Europe, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Africa, Middle East and Caribbean, (albeit I did turn down a few offers). I began professional acting when I was two-year-old toddler actor at work. My parents’ involvement guided my model career.
Recruited at age 13 for professional ingénue, fashion and photography, public relations model work with advertising agencies, here is my first professional head shot.
Ingenue, Fashion and Photography, Public Relations
You too can travel the world and develop now for worldly travel plan later! Child Actors experience matters, start local, start early. Child Actors, T'weens, Teens are wanted!
Paris Streets: Where the workers go.
Successful habits
A typical day was: get up early, have a substantial breakfast (boiled egg, croissant, espresso coffee and some fruit). With a hundred and twenty nine steps up to my apartment, I loved going down and counted each one for the arduous task staying fit, a successful habit coming home. Staying emotionally and physically healthy is a successful habit by counting through difficulties, pushing through; a successful habit that stays with me in exercise regimes today. Put on “day time” makeup (little cover-up, eyebrow and mascara), check with my Agent for “Go Sees”, filled my tote bag with the days’ necessities. Professionally signed as a Paris Agency Model, I consulted with two agents daily. “Go See" appointments started early and ended late in the evening. I took the metro all over the city of Paris, seeing and working where no tourist ever goes! The appointments had a time frame of about two hours to stop in, public speaking a line or two, answer questions, leave a comp card, show my portfolio, do a catwalk or try on fashion. Creative jobs may be a movie, TV, catalog, fashion show or editorial magazine. Voice over artists are only the voice and may be a jingle, tagline or new product launch. Public speaking are model development skills and will often be required for voice over artists by film directors.
Apartment Garden Paris Street
What Inspires Me: Creative Jobs
Model Auditions are all over the city. I’d dress for street comfort, slip in my portfolio, comp cards and minimum daily necessities in my tote. I had about ten “Go Sees” a day, ten model job opportunities!! I saw a lot more than job opportunities on my way to the “Go See”. Interviews may take place at outdoor locations: (Paris Prix du Jockey Club Race tracks, a Gymnasium, a Winery). Oftentimes the Metro would be closed or a protest was happening with protesters on one side of the square and riot police complete with military uniforms on the other side. I had no idea what the protest was about. My objective was to act in a professional manner: make my intended appointment follow directions and leave. I calmly walked through the whole thing. That’s a time I would use my successful habit to count my steps to the other side of difficulties. High fashion model “Go Sees”were held in fashion designer’s studios, couture fashion factory or an outdoor location. The Print model is for catalog work, flyers, billboards, brochures, digital advertising to name a few. The editorial model is for fashion magazines, home interior magazines, and travel magazines. Commercial model may include voice over, television commercial, cinema commercial or a new product launch.
Model work is coordinated through Agency Represented with advertising agencies, suppliers, businesses manufacturers, wholesalers to retailers for creative jobs. Models and Actors learn a little bit about a lot of industries, communication skills, feel poised and comfortable with just about everyone, able to dance with the fearless and walk with kings, states persons and leaders.
Preparedness Essential to Model Career
When I was modeling in Paris, in addition to carrying my portfolio, comp card and tote bag I noticed the French models had a spritz bottle of Evian mineral water to spritz their faces. We carried bottled drinking water for that glow. For extra care try this:
Here’s a natural remedy recipe by Dr Airola
2 Tbsp Sesame seed oil
2 Tbsp Olive oil
2 Tbsp Avocado oil
2 Tbsp Almond oil
2,000 IU Vitamin E
1,000 IU Vitamin A
Pour in a small jar shake well. Refrigerate. In the morning, mist face with mineral water and apply this pure natural protective skin lotion to areas of the face and neck. Put some in a travel spray bottle for on the “Go See”!
I kept this successful habit of using natural protective skin lotion. I sometimes can’t find all the ingredients but utilize the successful habit of taking care of my skin: I still use olive oil with a few drops of my favorite essence (jasmine, vanilla, almond, lavender, rosemary), put the oil in my gym bag, car or bike pack to take with me for a fresh touch up and have one at home.
Rome the
“Go See”
Roman Race horse
Outdoor shoots and model auditions often require long periods of time in the elements and isometric exercise being able to hold a pose for extended periods. Preparedness, staying physically fit is the key and keeping successful habits help make a model career. I remember as an Agency Model with Top Floor Agency in Rome, I arrived for my last “Go See” of the day, walking into the horse barn at the Rome Capannelle Horse Race Tracks. I looked over to the side at a large wooden table about 6 ft x 3ft completely covered and stack at least a foot, maybe two feet high of model comp cards. I thought, “What a waste of my time! I managed to get here barely-with two hours of public transportation, complete with a cab ride to the outskirts of Rome and look at the competition! Must be hundreds of women models comp cards! This must be a really great job! With hundreds, maybe a thousand in my competition, I don’t have a chance!" I almost laughed at the thought. Then peace, calm, poise took over and I made a rapid response, I analyzed the audience, surroundings and pulled out a different pair of shoes, redid my hair, put on a jacket.
I did get that job! - Bolla Wines cinema commercial! I’ll relate more about that job in another blog.
Model Development creates TALENT OPPORTUNITIES
I would get at least two jobs every “Go See” day to schedule in my working calendar. If I wasn’t working or being flown some place for a couture fashion show, I was on a “Go See”. With so many and thousands to compete with for each “Go See”, my nervousness disappeared, an attitude of “I have another job to “Go See”!
Model development in child actors leads to confidence and experience.
I loved “Go Sees".
As Voyance Talent Agency Director, I schedule, counsel and give actors advise for Go Sees to get actors at work matching the right talent to the right BRAND.
I love to “Go See” Business Clients (#business branding) and experience the excitement of successful habits ad campaigns and can’t wait until I can meet in person again!
HIGH FASHION MODEL auditions involve public speaking
My Previous Avenel Agency Represented Male Model
Performance is a great skill
Model development and young actors at work performing are a great skill. The business of acting gives a head start by helping youth develop skills: leadership, joint effort, confidence building, persuasion. Travel and the ability to earn some money for future endeavors are side benefits, what the heart desires. Guidance counselor, experienced mentor, strongest advocate, greatest defender, model coach, actors’ adviser, model development are words that describe Voyance Talent Agent.
Acting is a business. The entertainment industry is called show business for a very good reason—it is a business. It is also a lot of fun, educational and when I was a young performer acting is what inspires me. Voyance Talent Agency books children for advertising agencies commercials, industrial films, photography, fashion shows. We are seeking children all the time as children age, getting more experience in acting business. Children usually begin pretend play from age 2 and progress thru age 8.
My Previous Avenel Agency Represented Child Model
Child Actors begin with Pretend Play
The following was Posted Jun 25, 2019 Brittany Thompson and Dr. Thalia R. Goldstein.
Brittany N. Thompson
Socioemotional Success: Pretend play...involves a combination of complex cognitive, physical, and social behaviors that even very young children are capable of performing.
As an Agent, I have known many stage mothers that force their child into something the child does not want to do or will not follow instructions. Sometimes the parent or guardian wants to live through the child. This compounds emotional problems for the child. Any actor under the age of 18 is a child performer. If acting doesn’t feel right at the moment talk to an adult: teacher, coach, relative, parent or guardian and take a break.
My Previous Avenel Agency Represented Child Actor
Education, passion and fun are what matters to the child actor.
What to expect if selected
The legal guardian or parent will enter into an agreement with Voyance Talent Agency setting terms and conditions of the relationship with the Agency.
Dedication and enthusiasm in acting are business priorities no matter the age! We require companies to work under safe conditions, enforce contracts, payment and help the adult guardian understand their responsibilities for child actors working. Parent involvement has many responsibilities; on the job safety is one. Parents are expected to know their child dexterity and if the activity is safe enough for the child to perform. Parents have the right to refuse to perform any activity that might be hazardous.
The actors at work, model land may be at a pause now as are many things in life. This pause creates a time to nurture a future successful acting career by inquiring today. Voyance Talent Agency has important work opportunities for child actors, high fashion model, voice over artist, couture fashion, commercial model, print model, editorial model, agency model, and model work, new product launch, child actors, KC talent and more creative jobs!
Do you have a child who loves to pretend? Want more information about child actors and model agency represented? Please fill out the talent application. Send a recent head shot of your child. We will contact you!